GIUK Statement

January 2021


Our Chairman and Chief Executive, Dr Bernd Atenstaedt, was one of the founder members of GIUK in May 1975 and has looked after GIUK ever since, now for more than 45 years.

The time has come to pass on the management of GIUK to another (younger) colleague and he proposed that Terry Sargeant, Chairman and Chief Executive of ThyssenKrupp plc takes over as Chairman and Chief Executive of GIUK, alongside his position at ThyssenKrupp and hopefully beyond. This was unanimously approved by the GIUK Board and will take effect from 1st January 2021. The Board also confirmed that Dr Atenstaedt will become President of GIUK from that date and remain on the Board.  Together they will look after the interests of German business in the UK, focussing in particular on lobbying Government.

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