Founded on 19 May 1975 GERMAN INDUSTRY UK (GIUK) has been at the forefront of German business in the United Kingdom, one of Germany's most important markets and locations worldwide for nearly 50 years. We are a private organisation of 100 members of the board of German businesses in the UK with a German majority shareholding.  They represent some 200 businesses, employing some 200,000 people.

Our mission is to support German business in the United Kingdom.

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Many Challenges for Labour
GIUK Press Release Read More News
Major GIUK Survey amongst German business on Vocational Training in the UK
GIUK Press Release Read More News
Major GIUK Survey on the Current Challenges Facing German Business in the UK - Many Challenges
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New Survey Amongst German Business in the UK: Many Post-Brexit Challenges
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Survey on the Challenges of Brexit and COVID-19 Facing German Business in the UK
GIUK Statement Read More News
German Business in the UK
Our contribution to the NHS, care homes and vulnerable people
GIUK Press Release Read More News
Major Survey Amongst German Business on Vocational Training in the UK - `Upskill the UK`
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